April and Cid presents

The Kom Bible Project

Translating, reading, meditating, listening to, and sharing God’s word in the Kom language so that Kom people may be transformed into Christlikeness. 

The Kom New Testament

The Kom New Testament is complete and, is currently being distributed by April and Cid

Our Funders

The Kom Bible Project is funded by Wycliffe Bible Translators

Our Local Partner

This project is monitored and supervised by Cabtal Cameroon

Our Publications

In the past three years, we have translated and published several books of the Bible both digitally and in print. Visit our publications page to download and read some of these books.

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The Kom Bible Project

Project Objectives

The following are the objectives of the first phase of the project


Translate Genesis, Exodus,
Joshua, Ruth, 1-2 Samuel
and Jonah


Revise the Gospels. This will
help bring alignment and
consistency to the Old and
New Testaments.


Publish completed books
in print, audio and digital

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Books Translated

Chapters Translated
Verses Translated
Chapters Revised

The Impact

A project adviser responded with these three words  when asked about the anticipated impact of the Kom translation.

"More Transformed Lives"

He went on to explain how Kom Scripture will help Christians discern between good aspects of their culture and those that are contrary to the faith.

Your prayers and gifts will help the Kom people access God’s Word in a language they clearly understand!


Batist Center, Nkwen Bamenda
Northwest Region, Cameroon

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