About Us
Find out more about the project and the plan for the next three years.
The Kom People
In an area that’s often rife with disputes, the Kom people of Cameroon live in harmony with neighbors and are well respected for their peace-loving tendencies.
They cherish their culture, a prominent feature of which is their clothing. Unique and colorful, Kom traditional attire is believed to have influenced the national style.
The Kom also love their language and have one of the highest mother-tongue literacy rates in the country. The majority of the population profess faith in Jesus. However traditional religion has a strong influence, and some people take part in practices that conflict with Christian beliefs. But praise God that his Word is making a difference!
Since its completion in 2005, the Kom New Testament has been used enthusiastically in the community. Engaging with Scripture has given people a hunger for more, and local churches are expressing a desire for Old Testament portions as well.
The Plan
Your help is needed as a local team produces more of God’s Word in the Kom language. During this three-year project, staff have the following translation goals.
01. Translate
Translate Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, Ruth, 1-2 Samuel and Jonah.
02. Publish
Publish completed books in print, audio and digital formats.
03. Revise the Gospels
This will help bring alignment and consistency to the Old and New Testaments.
Additional goals will encourage engagement with Scripture:
- Train literacy and Sunday school teachers, and establish 10 church-based literacy classes each year.
- Print literacy materials for those learning to read and write.
- Distribute at least 200 SD cards containing digital Kom Scripture every year.
The Impact
A project adviser responded with these three words when asked about the anticipated impact of the Kom translation.
"More Transformed Lives"
He went on to explain how Kom Scripture will help Christians discern between good aspects of their culture and those that are contrary to the faith.
Kom church leaders are also eager for their people to learn from God’s Word and be better equipped to share biblical truths with others.
In addition, this work has the potential to produce an even wider impact. Since this is the first community-driven project in Cameroon, staff are hopeful that it will pave the way for language projects to begin in other communities.
Moreover, several neighboring groups speak related languages and could use Kom Scripture as a source from which to adapt their own translations.
Your prayers and gifts will help the Kom people access God’s Word in a language they clearly understand!
Batist Center, Nkwen Bamenda
Northwest Region, Cameroon
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+237 696 101 919
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